Touch hearing smell sight ... and taste
Five senses decides everything
献立より先に 器に手が伸びることがある
やや荒々しい肌の大皿をまずは目で そして手で味う
瞼を閉じて その囁きに耳を傾ける
今夜のテーブルの上の景色を整えるための いつもの儀式
Some time you take the pottery before menu.
You enjoy a big plate with a little rough texture, first by you eyes, and them by your hands.
Close your eyes and listen to the whispering voice. Then, the images of things held by that plate will appear.
The usual routine done with the right image on tonight`s table.
Touch hearing smell sight ... and taste
Five senses decides everything
献立より先に 器に手が伸びることがある
やや荒々しい肌の大皿をまずは目で そして手で味う
瞼を閉じて その囁きに耳を傾ける
今夜のテーブルの上の景色を整えるための いつもの儀式
Some time you take the pottery before menu.
You enjoy a big plate with a little rough texture, first by you eyes, and them by your hands.
Close your eyes and listen to the whispering voice. Then, the images of things held by that plate will appear.
The usual routine done with the right image on tonight`s table.
mono product
mono product は岐阜県多治見市に
プロの料理人 器好きな方の為に
Mono product is located in Tajimi, Gifu. Mono retains a gallery and specializes in dealing fine pottery for professional chefs and enthusiasts use.
住所:〒507-0814 岐阜県多治見市市之倉町4丁目78
Tel:TEL.0572-44-8470 FAX.0572-44-8471
営業時間:10:00 − 17:00 不定休
Address:507-0814 4-78, Ichinokura-cho, Tajimi city, Gifu
Tel:0572-44-8470 Fax:0572-44-8471
Hours of operation:Hours of operation : 10:00〜17:00
Irregular closed days
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